Interview with Karl-Theo Roes, Founder & Manager of Fenzta COM.
Easy Engineering: How was 2022 for your business, a short summary?
Karl-Theo Roes: As a new start-up that wants to bring fresh impulses to the window industry, we look back on a very interesting year with many exciting contacts, trade fairs and networking events. We can proudly say that the fenzta HOME app is already a name to many industry representatives and we have achieved a high level of awareness relatively quickly. This was our most important goal for the past year. Already our Linkedin company channel alone, which we only launched in mid-2022, has over 700 followers and we also have a very positive response in the trade press. I sometimes found it quite amazing when I wanted to present our app at events and then discovered that most of the participants were already familiar with it, at least by name. We are also grateful for the feedback we have been able to gather on our product. We now know what is well received and where we have potential for improvement and have used the opportunity to constantly optimise the app throughout the year. Now, the first concrete cooperations are already planned – so the year 2023 is off to a great start!
E.E: What new products/services will be launched this year?
K.T.R: We are currently working on the business platform within the app: here, end customers can request offers from dealers for the windows they have configured themselves. In turn, dealers who use fenzta HOME in sales can send their customers offers for the jointly configured windows via the app. Communication will be as simple as possible for everyone. Customisation still works with common standard elements, but in the future manufacturers will be given the opportunity to integrate their available products into the app in order to advise customers with their own models. In an update in summer 2023, the integration of further profile materials, i.e. aluminium systems as well as wood and wood-aluminium systems, is also planned. Further display options will also be added: For example, the virtual windows can now already be opened and soon it will also be possible to visualise the window sills. An expansion is planned not only to include additional window components and materials, but also patio, balcony or sliding doors.

E.E: How did the market change in the last year?
K.T.R: With a growing generation of digital natives, it is important to rethink sales. For example, future advice to architects and builders will become more digital, which is why some companies have already developed their own tools to offer new solutions here. I believe that the industry has now understood, without exception, that visual digitisation is a must for any company seeking to remain competitive in the long term. Today’s end customer no longer wants to simply be convinced through brochures, samples or quality promises; instead, he or she values the customer experience. For example, it should be possible to buy windows quickly, easily and comfortably from the couch, at any time of day or night – but without having to forego the advantages of a visit to the showroom. We offer this experience with our augmented reality solution and thus meet the current requirements. Generally speaking, in the future the industry will have to offer digital tools for all phases – from design to execution and operation to dismantling in terms of the circular economy. In combination with our app, there are exciting synergies for the future that can raise the customer experience to a whole new level.
E.E: What sector of business do you think is expected to grow this year?
K.T.R: Increased rates of interest and high inflation in Europe are currently leading to a strong slowdown in new construction activities. In renovation, however, there still seems to be good economic dynamics. I think that new, efficient windows will play an important role in renovation projects, especially with regard to the exploding energy costs. We would like to use the app to help end customers find the windows that meet their needs and also keep an eye on the possible energy savings.

Wood technology and industrial engineering graduate Karl-Theo Roes founded the start-up fenzta COM in 2021. © Christopher Schlangen, App Logik GmbH
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?
K.T.R: I expect 2023 to become the most exciting year so far from a company perspective, as we now want to enter, expand and change the market with concrete partners. So it’s all about moving from theory to practice – of course, this is the moment I’ve been waiting for since the company was founded in 2021!
E.E: A short message for collaborators for the beginning of the year.
K.T.R: We start the journey at the end customers and take them along the path from Z to A.