Dust might seem harmless, but under the right conditions, it can become a powerful and often overlooked catalyst for a deadly explosion. Imagine a hobbyist, toiling away in his basement workshop, creating an immense cloud of dust from a belt sander. While he might see the resultant dust only as a nuisance, in reality, he’s generating a possibly explosive environment. The growing suspension of particles can, in the right concentrations, ignite and cause a destructive dust explosion.
While most consider the risks of explosions in relation to volatile gases or hazardous chemicals, dust explosions are a very real and under-appreciated hazard, particularly within industrial settings. That’s where the Hartmann Tube comes into play, an instrument designed precisely to help us understand and quantify the risks associated with dust explosions in industries often awash with particulate matter.
Understanding the Risk of Dust Explosions
Dust explosions are more common than most people realize. However, with awareness and caution, this hazard can be avoided. A central tool for understanding this risk is the Hartmann Tube, which tests the explosibility of industrial dust particles.
The Hartmann Tube essentially creates a controlled dust explosion within the tube, letting us determine the material’s threat level with regards to causing a dust explosion. An ignition source, typically a high-voltage arc or a glowing coil, is placed one-third of the way from the tube’s bottom. Below that, a sample tray houses the dust speciment. A mechanism then launches the sample into the tube, forming clouds of differing densities.
Facing the Reality of Dust Explosions
The Tube’s initial design has evolved, but the foundation remains the same with modern versions. Despite the advancement, it’s crucial to understand that the Hartmann Tube test mimics real-world conditions only to a limited extent, as it ignites the powder concentration artificially.
Explosion Prevention Through Hartmann Tube Testing

Nevertheless, the ability of the Hartmann Tube to provide a hands-on visual of the frightening reality of a dust explosion emphasizes the need for vigilance in workplaces dealing with such dust, including woodworking, grain processing, metal processing sites, and chemical manufacturing sectors.
Modern iterations of the device allow streamlined testing and provide more accurate results. The data from these tests helps identify locations where dust explosions could occur, informing prevention strategies.

Guiding Safety Procedures: ATEX Regulations
The test data also guides the categorization of hazardous areas into ATEX zones, as specified in European ATEX regulations. These zones help to determine and implement adequate safety measures, especially in industries like woodworking, metalworking, pharmaceuticals, grain processing, food manufacturing, chemical production, and recycling that frequently deal with dust.
Recognizing Dust Explosion Fuels
Fuels for dust explosions can be anything cellulose-based, refined sugars, and even some materials that we consider noninflammable in their solid state can pose a dust explosion hazard when powdered and suspended in the air.
Learning From Past Mishaps: The Importance of Prevention
Past accidents serve as grave reminders of what can happen if dust is allowed to accumulate On February 7th, 2008, a tragic incident occurred in Port Wentworth, just outside of Savannah, Georgia. A massive explosion at the Imperial Sugar refinery resulted in death of 14 people and injured 40 others, causing significant damage to the city’s industrial sector.
The explosion at the Imperial Sugar refinery was the most fatal dust explosion in the United States since 1990. On investigating the blast, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) found that the incident was entirely preventable.
The explosion was initiated by a massive secondary dust explosion in the basement area where a conveyor belt transported sugar. Subsequent investigations revealed that the refinery had not adequately cleaned out the combustible sugar dust from the surfaces. Further, the building’s design contained multiple horizontal surfaces where dust could easily accumulate and ignition sources were left uncontrolled.
Following this tragic event, the CSB made several recommendations to prevent such instances in the future. One of the recommendations was that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) should develop and enforce a comprehensive combustible dust standard to protect workers.
Since then, industries handling combustible dusts have been paying much more attention to the prevention of dust explosions. Regular cleaning schedules are maintained to prevent dust accumulation, and buildings are designed with minimum horizontal surfaces. Furthermore, engines, lights, and other potential ignition sources are designed and placed in such a way that they do not come in contact with dust.
The Key Takeaway
Utilizing instruments like The Hartmann Tube for testing dust explosibility and adhering to local regulations greatly contributes to minimizing the chances of a disaster. Most importantly, a better-informed workforce that comprehends the hazards could be our best chance of preventing dust explosion-related accidents.
Want to know more? Read the full article by Ex-Machinery.