Ferrato Davide S.a.s. is a family-run company with headquarter in Rubano (PD – Italy) that was born 60 year ago. It concentrates its core business in flame cutting shapes up to 1200 mm of thickness, using oxyfuel and plasma, and in the trade of steel plates and forged ingots.
They are specialized in oxycutting high thicknesses and heavy plates, and their high-tech CNC machines handle significant volumes of work providing a fast, accurate and reliable service.
The company is also equipped with 3D plasma bevel cutting with high technological innovation and robotized head with 360° rotation.
The company covers an area of 18.800 square meters that includes: offices, production department and warehouse, with spaces dedicated to finished products and plates
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
FERRATO DAVIDE: Our main sectors of reference are: steel industry, mechanical, shipbuilding, production of large-scale plants (presses), automotive components, cableway transport systems.
We also use special steels on request with applications in sectors such as Oil & Gas, high-strength steels, and boiler plates.
E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
FERRATO DAVIDE: We don’t have a new type of product but we always supply the semi-finished and tailor-made shapes according to the customer needs.
We are always mindful of market needs and the constant search for new technologies for the construction and processing of new products.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
FERRATO DAVIDE: We select the raw material from the best national and international steel mills. The entire range of thicknesses from 8 mm up to 700 mm is available in our stock, with an amount of around 12.000 tons, in quality S275 and S355 in multiple degrees JR, JO, J2+N.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
FERRATO DAVIDE: We are active in many areas of different sectors and this allow us to grow together with our customers who have a growing development trend.
We have an international experience and being competitive is a continuous challenge that we cannot lose.
E.E: What can you tell us about the market trends?
FERRATO DAVIDE: In response to COVID-19 many events have revolutionized the market and in the beginning of January 2021 the price of the raw material has increased a lot, and so this fact impacts negatively on the orders: many purchasers can’t afford to bear such a great cost. So, if the contract is in the short term, the buyers are forced to place the order immediately also because they are also afraid that the cost of the raw material could increase may be in spring.
Other buyers, if the contract is in long term, prefer to wait to place the order, expecting that in the meantime the price will drop.

E.E: What estimation do you have for 2021?
FERRATO DAVIDE: It depends on the various sectors we can work, surely there will be a recovery of the market, but it depends on various factors, for example the cost of the raw material and also European funds for infrastructure.
It’s difficult making predictions from today to tomorrow about orders, planning, prices, but we are definitely positive because we are sure that the market will recover.

If you want to discover FERRATO DAVIDE’sactivities click here: https://www.ferratodavide.com/en/
Or follow them on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ferrato-davide-s-a-s/?viewAsMember=true
Dott.ssa Camilla Ferrato
E-mail: camilla@ferratodavide.it
Office Number: +39 049 630360