Kivnon is an international group specializing in automation and mobile robotics. The company designs, manufactures and distributes automated guided vehicles (AGVs/AMRs) and related systems. With exports to more than 17 countries around the world, Kivnon has 12 offices throughout Europe, North America and South America to provide support to its local customers.
Their commitment to technological innovation has led to designing flexible mobile robotics solutions aimed at achieving efficient automation of production processes and an improvement in internal logistics within Industry 4.0.
At Kivnon, they use the latest technology to design AGVs/AMRs that understand and adapt to each customer’s requirements because work needs to be increasingly comfortable and efficient. Kivnons’ aim is to offer highly innovative, intuitive products that become reliable, safe and easy-to-use working partners.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
Kivnon: Kivnon offers global solutions for the automation and optimization of processes in diverse sectors and in multiple applications. Our AGVs/AMRs have become a key tool in Industry 4.0.
We have an extensive portfolio of mobile robots that we can use to develop personalized applications to optimize any industrial environment.
Kivnon automated guided vehicles can be implemented in a wide range of industries, like automotive, aeronautics, food & beverage, plastic, pharma, logistics, among others.
Kivnon AGVs/AMRs can be used in different environments:
- Manufacturing
- Logistics
- Warehouse
- Shipping

E.E: What’s the news for 2020 about new products?
Kivnon: Kivnon has its own R&D department that works constantly to design and develop innovative AGVs/AMRs adapted to the demands of Industry 4.0. Our highly-qualified team of engineers are working on several product to be launched in 2021.
Following the success of our AGVs/AMRs on the American continent, we have opened new subsidiaries in the United States, Mexico and Brazil. At the same time, we have strengthened our presence in Europe by opening new subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and France. Our mobile robotics solutions are designed to fit customers’ needs in all markets.
E.E: What are the ranges of traded products?
Kivnon: At Kivnon, we have a wide range of self-guided industrial vehicles for the transport of all kinds of goods and that are capable of moving loads of up to 6,000kg using magnetic navigation or mapping technologies that allow them to adapt to any industrial environment and production process.
Our range of traded products includes mouse, tractor and platform models with different sizes and load capabilities.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
Kivnon: There has been a high demand for automation in the global market. Currently all industries and markets are adapting their processes to Industry 4.0. Companies are automating their processes to boost their competitiveness and increase their productivity.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
Kivnon: The AGV/AMR market trends are very positive and optimistic as it is expected to keep growing in the coming years.
The usage of AGVs/AMRs increases business’ productivity, maximises efficiency, while saving time and costs.
Nowadays, industries such as automotive, aerospace, healthcare, plastic and food & beverage are implementing AGVs/AMRs solutions.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
Kivnon: Our most innovative product is the K41 Slim. This automated guided vehicle combines a 800 kg lifting capacity with an omnidirectional movement. In regards to the type of navigation, this mobile robot uses mapping navigation to circulate in its environment.
One of the key features of this mobile robot is its height. The K41 Slim is only 220 mm height, which makes it an extremely flexible mobile robot, ready to operate in all kinds of environments and trolleys.
Thanks to its 360º laser scanner, PLC safety and LED signalling, the K41 Slim can circulate over the same area as people and other vehicles in a safe manner.
This model is the perfect solution for automating the transport of medium loads in highly complex processes.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2020?
Kivnon: Although there is a clearly need in the market to automate processes in different industries, companies are now taking more time to make project investments decisions due to the uncertainty of the current situation caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
There has been a noticeable downward trend in the global market but we feel optimistic about the future and expect that the economic situation will improve in the next years.