PAXLY is a young German-Austrian Startup that wants to digitalize the purchasing processes in the packaging industry, especially the communication with customers and suppliers.
PAXLY is a digital supplier of individual packaging with which you can avoid time-consuming supplier searches and exhausting processes. Thus, you save time, money and nerves. The current focus is on corrugated fiberboard packaging, but there are many other packaging materials that are already waiting for you. For every package, there is a suitable manufacturer in the PAXLY network from whom PAXLY, as a bulk buyer, obtains the best conditions for you.
Thanks to a standardized, fast and web-based process, PAXLY makes the best use of everyone’s time.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
PAXLY: eProcurement for packaging, packaging consulting, completely administration and management of packaging processes such as print images, orders, claims, etc.
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
PAXLY: In the packaging market, there is less use of plastic due to the disadvantages of the material and the damage it causes to the environment. All sectors such as food & beverages, electronics & electrical, home care products, personal care products, e-commerce, transport & logistics, health care, and others are starting to replace their plastic packaging with corrugated fiberboard. This product provides sustainability and solid structures, as well as being economical, lightweight and easy to handle.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
PAXLY: We offer a digital solution which automates independent packaging consulting, simplifies the RFQ/tender process to find the best producers, compare prices on a 1:1 basis and digitalize the complete print and sample check processes as well as have forecasting functions for order management.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
PAXLY: We are at the late product market fit stage and already acquired bigger customers such as Media Markt / Saturn.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
PAXLY: We are dealing in two markets:
(1) the packaging market and (2) the procurement techmarket. In the packaging market the trend of extreme price increases (around 40% since the beginning of the year), very long delivery times (14 weeks instead of 3 weeks) and a lot of panic continues for about the next 12 to 18 months. The procurement tech in contrast in growing through a lot of Start Ups however in the type of vertical procurement platform specialized in one material group, we still see not much movement.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
PAXLY: We don’t really understand the context of the question. Do you mean within PAXLY or within the market? Competitors or what do you mean?
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?
PAXLY: That more industries will decide to switch to corrugated fiberboard packaging and that new procurement packaging solutions such as PAXLY are up and coming.