In 2008, Dr. Bobertag founded the company PMB – Präzisionsmaschinenbau Bobertag GmbH in Kaiserslautern, Germany with a novel balancing system for high-precision balancing. In the beginning, the most important product was the pure balancing system consisting of measuring technology and software, but early on balancing machines were developed and successfully launched on the market following the reputation of the users.
In addition to standard balancing machines, special machines continue to be an important division. Not to be forgotten is the mainstay of balancing service – here, customers entrust PMB with the latest prototypes, which provides the company with valuable information on future market developments.
PMB is growing rapidly and will increase its turnover even in the Corona year 2020.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
PMB: A better balancing brings advantages especially for fast rotating rotors, the claim of PMB is to achieve the best balancing results. Accordingly, a high proportion of development work is carried out in the company, which is then translated into new standard products.
In recent years, outstanding growth markets have been small electric motors for pumps, fans, high-speed spindles and their components, dental turbines and, especially in 2020: blowers for respiratory machines. From contract balancing to instrumentation of customer’s own test benches and PMB machines, the advantages of PMB technology are brought to bear.

E.E: What’s the news for 2020 about new products?
PMB: 2020 stands for PMB again for the standardisation of new balancing methods beyond the current PMB universal balancing machines. Whether subtractive balancing via laser ablation (PMB Balancer Laser) or additive balancing via contactless application of UV-curing adhesive (PMB Balancer AdMassJet): these new methods were launched by PMB in 2020 and have proven their value.
E.E: What are the ranges of traded products?
PMB: The range extends from measuring systems in 3 versions for different applications and budgets to universal balancing machines with different degrees of automation, rounded off by individually configurable balancing software.
Special machine construction for balancing machines remains an important mainstay, as does contract balancing.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
PMB: PMB is active in several industries ranging from automotive and aerospace to medical technology and ultra-precision, which has made PMB very crisis-proof. These industries are currently behaving very differently. Despite the current uncertainty about the future of the automotive industry, PMB is also generating increasing turnover here due to its technological lead – but the market for medical technology is currently particularly outstanding.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
PMB: From the point of view of PMB, 5 trends are remarkable in all sectors:
- In order to achieve higher power density, rotating systems are operated at higher and higher speeds and must therefore be better and better balanced;
- Many rotors are becoming smaller and smaller while maintaining the same manufacturing tolerances, making the balancing condition more and more important;
- Electric drives must become quieter and quieter, fans of e.g. notebooks must be almost inaudible;
- Despite increasing globalisation, production is currently being brought back to Europe and rebuilt here fully automatically;
- The market for high-precision balancing is growing disproportionately.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
PMB: Without question:
- Laser balancing of fans, electric motors and other parts and assemblies;
- Balancing by jet application of UV-curing adhesives.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2020?
PMB: 2020: Stabilise and expand the market position despite CORONA Prepare the company PMB for the expected boom phase after the economic crisis.
2021: Continuation of strong growth with re-release of currently frozen customer budgets.