ALBA-MACREL GROUP is a Spanish pioneer of the building construction sector product development. The company designs, manufactures and commercializes -for more than 60 years- a wide range of CE certified machinery distributed worldwide: lifting equipment, steel bars cutting and bending equipment and lightweight machinery.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

ALBA: ALBA starts producing, in 1957, hanging scaffolding, reinforcing steel bars equipment and lightweight machinery.

In 1998, a new line of product is created: the rack and pinion hoisting. The company become then the first European manufacturer to pass AENOR type CE Examinations for its rack and pinion platform.

E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?

ALBA: We are developing a new passengers & material hoist with a load capacity of 3000 kg, available in different options of speeds and cabin dimensions. This equipment matches with the USA requirements, where those features are the most common.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

ALBA: In our wide catalogue of products, different lifting equipment can be found, such as material hoists, mast climbers, transport platforms, passengers & material hoists and hanging scaffolding. But also, rebar cutters & benders (electric, automatic and hand tool), diamond blade cutters, and a large range of auxiliar machinery (pulling & lifting winches, protection canopies, cable cutters, etc.).

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

ALBA: Our commercial action is done in many countries in all the continents, so the stages of the market are different. We are more successful in areas where the construction sector is mature and experienced, and where technology, reliability and a good after sales service are required. We feel confidence when the level of the customer requirement is higher, because we comply with it at a very good price.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

ALBA: Mast climbers are more and more used in Europe, especially those supporting medium loads, because they are very versatile and manageable. Some areas, such as Europe, LATAM and several Asiatic countries, use hoists with a lower load capacity and others, like USA and Canada, need elevation with greater load capacity. So we are steadily working to adapt our products to those requirements. 

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

ALBA: Our challenge is clearly directed towards innovation and technology. That’s why we bet on incorporating a more developed communication system in our machines so that workers can have a direct contact with them by controlling and transmitting data, guaranteeing more security and maintenance, etc.

Our latest model is the PTB 3800, presented in BAUMA MUNICH 2019. It is a wide and big platform with 2 masts working by a cardan system transmission, specially used for hoisting prefabricated structures, but passengers as well.

We have also developed the zigzag mast climber PEC 150, capable of adapting to complex facades. With double-decker platforms to work on different sections of the building in the same length, it has the anti-collision system designed in-house.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?

ALBA: Although the situation has a point of unpredictability, we are well based in big and stable markets. Secondly, we have started strong alliances in 2020 that seem they will advance properly in 2021. If there is not a global economic mess what we don’t expect, the year 2021 will be, at least, good.

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