Easy Engineering: How was this year in terms of turnover?
Aqseptence: Despite the global impact of the pandemic, this year was not a bad one.
The uncertainty due to this unprecedented period has slowed down some decisions, especially for big projects. In parallel, in the mining Industry, the price of some metals increased and some investments (in particular for Gold projects) have accelerated.
Aluminium Industry, Construction & Demolition wastes and Power plants have been other sectors generating jobs and business for our Company.
E.E: What new products / services have been launched this year?
Aqseptence: This year we started to manufacture the biggest filter press in the World. The GHT.5000.F for the dewatering of large capacities for tailings filtration.
This product is the result of our industry experience over the course of the last twenty years, as process facilities have increased in size and throughput tonnage. Large capacities would require a significant number of filtration lines with “standard” sizes and affecting the overall attractiveness of the investments. The direction of a bigger size of plates is then reducing the number of the filtration lines and improving the economics of the projects.
For example, we’ve gone from a standard 2 x 2 m plate size to 2.5 x 2.5 m, and with our GHT.5000.F, we now have a plate size of 5 x 5 m.
The GHT.5000.F will have 141 of these plates. It is 37 m long, more than 9.5 m wide and over 7 m high.
E.E: What feedback did these product / service launches have?
Aqseptence: The manufacturing is ongoing and planned to be completed by Summer 2021. The company will launch this model through a virtual event on line.

E.E: What products / solutions have customers been looking for this year?
Aqseptence: Customers are looking for a partner cooperating and helping with our experience and competence in dewatering technologies.
We are totally convinced that nowadays the complexity of the projects are requiring a close cooperation between customer, engineering companies, consultants and suppliers. All on the same page. A constructive dialogue is requested. The expectations are high and it is fundamental to be in position to work as a Team with the several stakeholders involved.
In particular, one of the key parts of our project, is to have a clear understanding of the process. When possible, we want to conduct testing campaigns on representative samples so that we are in position to confirm the sizing and also the expected performances.
E.E: How has the customer profile changed lately?
Aqseptence: We are working on a Global Scale and we are dealing with different type of clients as well as different type of markets.
It is not easy to describe changes as a general way because there are some needs and some requirements which are related to any single case.
Our attitude is trying to listen and adapt to the situation we are facing together with the clients.
We can certainly appreciate that the level of education and preparation of the clients is improving.
On our hands we have developed our units in order to improve the level of automation as well as the maintenance.
Especially for big projects the client are not only looking at the Capital Investment but they are carefully considering the Operational Costs and, overall, the Total Cost of Ownership.
In particular we started designing some models “smart” filter presses working within the Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT. We think that the opportunity to compile data on a constant basis from its operations will result in better maintenance planning decisions and lower operating costs for the customer. In addition, with the IIoT we intend to maximize the efficiency of the process as well as optimizing the Power consumptions.

E.E: Given the current context, was there a need to diversify the portfolio of services / products?
As mentioned, before we are a very adaptive company and we are approaching the market by assisting our clients. Relevant part of this behaviour is to remain connected with the site people and provide support also from remote by guaranteeing a steady operation and higher availability of the equipment.
E.E: What was the most important project this year?
Aqseptence: The most important projects this year are 2, one in Latin America with the purchase of 3 Filter press model GHT2500.P12 on the red mud filtration and one in the US with the purchase of 4 Filter press GHT2000.P7 employed in the Power Sector.
E.E: A short year-end message for collaborators.
Aqseptence: No doubts this was a different year! We are facing several challenges and restrictions.
We all desire to overcome this period as quick as possible. We need to be patient and keep safe, which is top priority.
The impact of the pandemic has definitely changed our usual routine and also forced us to react accordingly.
The technology has helped a lot and accelerated our digital transformation.
This does not mean that, whenever is possible, we would like again to start human interactions and continue to grow by putting our competence at client’s service!

Our social media link:
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/diemmefiltration/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/diemme-s.p.a./
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diemmefiltration/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikKsHCOe_iBLGg9k_1yr8g
DIEMME FILTRATION: a long history of growth explained in 1 minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1GF-YsW6QE
Link to our catalogues:
GHT-P: file:///C:/Users/llorenzetti/Downloads/GHT_ENG.pdf
GHT-F: file:///C:/Users/llorenzetti/Downloads/GHT_F_ENG.pdf
Thickeners: file:///C:/Users/llorenzetti/Downloads/thickeners_eng.pdf
AUTOMAT: file:///C:/Users/llorenzetti/Downloads/AUT_ENG.pdf
ME: file:///C:/Users/llorenzetti/Downloads/ME_ENG.pdf
Contact details:
Tel: +39 0545 20611