Founded in June 2007, the company Der Wasserwirt-Projektmanagement GmbH is currently organized as a microenterprise. Der Wasserwirt – Projektmanagement GmbH can be defined as a project management company for undertakings in the areas water management and environmental engineering. The focus lies primarily on technological innovations regarding fish (up- and downstream) migration.
In short, the company can be described as innovative, solution-oriented and flexible and wants to offer sustainable and eco-friendly products.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
DER WASSERWIRT: The main areas are:
- Water protection and pollution control;
- Restoration and conservation of the river continuum;
- Fish bypasses / fish migration facilities;
- Research and Development.
E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
DER WASSERWIRT: The company’s main product is the so called Fischliftschleuse (fish lift sluice). The construction resembles an elevator and offers fish migration in areas with limited space. The goal for 2021 is to make the product even more effective with new ideas for further fine tuning.
Furthermore, der Wasserwirt wants to extent its activity fields regarding the current topic climate change.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
DER WASSERWIRT: Fischliftschleuse, Wendereuse, enature® Fishpass, services in the areas water management and environmental engineering.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
DER WASSERWIRT: The company is located in Carinthia, Austria. In Austria, energy production through water power plants has been used since 1950. Due to developments regarding the awareness of biodiversity and the importance of renewable energy, the products of der Wasserwirt become more and more important. The use of power plants will sustain, but for a healthy biodiversity, the river continuum must be preserved. That awareness is already embedded in acts and directives of the European Union. Thus, working fish bypasses must be implemented at each power plant site.
Additional locations (so far) for our products offer Switzerland and Germany.
Six Fischliftschleuse® (fish lift sluices) are already finalized and positive monitored in Austria. At the moment two more Fischliftschleuse® (fish lift sluices) will be finalized in 2021 in Austria. Two Fischliftschleuse® are in the planning phase in Switzerland. One Fischliftschleuse® is in the planning phase in Germany.
Fish sluices and fish lifts are currently available on the market but as stand-alone pieces and not in combination. In situations where these state of the art solutions are not suitable, a fish lift sluice as a combination of both can be the solution.
Existing fish sluices operated as locks for watercrafts offer no transportation possibility for fish. Only downstream fish migration is technologically possible. On the other hand, state of the art fish lifts are mechanical transport systems where a container is transported from tail to headwater. Downstream fish migration is technologically not possible. The new fish lift sluice combines both systems in one solution. A downstream fish migration is possible and the transport system needs no mechanical operation.
The patented fish lift system of der Wasserwirt guarantees both continuity of flowing waters in addition to the continued growth of the fish population near power plants. This brings benefits for both the power plants and fish population. A clean energy source such as hydropower can be operated without negatively affecting the ecosystem in the waterways.

Some key points to the fish lift sluice:
- combination of lift and lock;
- downstream fish migration possible;
- applicable for fluctuating upstream and downstream levels, small power plants and MQ<1,000 l/s (MQ = average outflow);
- high effectiveness in power plant locations with large height difference and/or small space availability;
- space-saving, easy to adapt;
- excellent monitoring and control system;
- low maintenance in a very limited area;
- less building costs because of vertical shaft compared to other solutions;
- reduction of construction costs (little digging even at large height differences between upstream and downstream side);
- guarantee of the continuity of flowing water and the continued growth of the fish population near power plants and other obstructions.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
DER WASSERWIRT: As already mentioned, the use of power plants offers renewable energy. Not only in the EU, but in areas worldwide where rivers with a consistent water supply exist. The awareness for renewable energy in combination with the conservation of biodiversity keeps increasing. Thus, der Wasserwirt will continue to offer innovative products in this area.
There are some places where the space is fish lift sluice has already been built and more places in planning.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
DER WASSERWIRT: Fischliftschleuse, enature® Fishpass.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
- Reaching out to other countries (in the EU and international – Canada, USA, New Zealand);
- Finding new possible sites for our product Fischliftschleuse®;
- Extending our activity field regarding the current topic climate change;
- Finalizing the two fish lift sluices in Austria;
- Starting the building of the further fish lift sluices in Germany and Switzerland.