METALIAX Green Solutions is a Portuguese company, with almost 10 years’ experience, specialized in the development and commercialization of sustainable solutions for waste temporary storage (waste containers).
The company has a commercial and technical team with capacity to offer to the customers standard and “taylor-made” solutions, depending of their needs, with a complete service, since the development of the project, design, production, assembly, installation and after-sales assistance.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
METALIAX: During the last years, METALIAX has developed their business in different areas of the waste storing market, working today mainly in two different profiles.
We started our activity as a waste containers producer partner of some European companies, in this sector of activity, offering standard products or developing “taylor-made” solutions (“retrofit” projects), using our and their “know-how”.
Today, mainly in the Portuguese market, also working to the final customer (public and private), having a different range of solutions to store the waste (surface, underground and semi-underground) and integrating the technology (electronic access control systems, level sensors, software management platforms and others).
So, at this moment, METALIAX is not only a waste containers producer and seller but also a partner to advise and build with their customers the best solution for each case.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?
METALIAX: Due to the market evolution and actual needs, that requires more and more sustainable and “eco-design” solutions that respects the circular economy principles, our R&D Dep. has been developing different solutions on the last years.
Inside our range, we can say that the biowaste and the “mobile eco center” solutions, both with the possibility to integrate technology to control the waste disposal and optimize the waste collection, have been the big “news” on the last 2 years.
On the biowaste, due to this “new” flux specifications (as the density, smell, fast degradation) we developed and keep studying solutions that can help the customers to reduce the negative impacts of this collection, trying to have the most time possible the waste stored (to decrease the collection and cleaning costs). The market is starting the selective biowaste collection and we have still a lot of job to do.
About the “mobile ecocenter”, it is a product developed to store a specific waste (CD’s, DVD’s, cork, electronics, … ), moved by an ampliroll truck.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
METALIAX: The range of solutions are mainly waste equipment’s for public and private disposal (surface, semi-underground and underground), in metal or plastic and with the possibility to integrate electronic support.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
METALIAX: The global market evolution is very positive at this moment, due to all the goals to change a “linear economy” in a “circular economy”, since the use of sustainable raw-materials, low carbon emissions productions, “green” fuel and many others things necessary to change in very short period, to protect the planet. The waste market is one of the areas that have a lot of job and development to due also and we want to integrate this evolution.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
METALIAX: As referred above, all the market, including industry, needs to change their “status of mind” about all the processes, since the development, design until the production of sustainable solutions. If today it is an advantage to tell to a customer that we have a more sustainable solution, comparing with our competitors, tomorrow it will be an obligation for everybody.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
METALIAX: In our activity, the development of products integrating electronics (hardware and software), in order to control and optimize the waste disposal and colleting are one of the main topics.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?
METALIAX: This year 2022 will be again a year of development of METALIAX, in terms of product development and commercial contacts.
Concerning the turn-over, we are expecting to increase more than 50%, comparing with 2021, due to some bigger projects that we made in Portugal and in France.