With a population of more than 650 million people, Latin America represents one of the largest emerging markets for desalination and reuse.
More than 30 desalination projects are in progress currently in Latin America, with more than $ 25 Bn to be invested in them. Chile´s Codelco received approval for a $ 1 Bn desalination plant, the second-largest desalination plant in a South American country. ENAPAC project has received an initial investment of $500 million, for the largest desalination plant by reverse osmosis (SWRO) in Latin America, and the first large-scale desalinator powered with PV has permits to proceed.
On the other hand, innovation in this industry does not stop, water shortages in many of the mining areas, interest in good practices and efficient use of water in the industry have led to large investments in desalination plants associated with mining that rose to $3.9 billion USD in Chile.
Join the webinar for free on April 27, 10:00 AM (-4 GMT) Santiago de Chile time
At the webinar you will learn about:
• Projects overview: Desalination development during the last 10 years across Latin America.
• Current status of most promising planned projects, which have been recently approved or still are under study. Most relevant challenges.
• First-hand information on implementation, innovation, financing, regulation and all that is new in this thriving industry.

Among the speakers of the webinar:
Ignacio Miguel Rodriguez, President-Partner, Chilean Solar Energy Association, ACESOL A.G. – LEGAL IMPACT. Topic of the presentation: “Strategies to accelerate desalination and reduce operational expenses with renewable energy”.
Joan Leal, President – Chief development manager, Oceanus Power&Water Topic of the presentation: “Desalination and Energy Storage: Challenges and opportunities in Latin America”
Have no time to join the webinar at the appointed time? Follow the link to register and get all webinar materials in English or Spanish. The webinar is held in English.
Contact person:
Laura Camacho
Webinar Producer