NEODITECH was found in 2007, in Le Pallet (FR). First, they start as a design office in the field of screwdriving, special machines and robotics, including the complete realization of ergonomic solutions for operator assistance.
Since 2012, the company’s activity has refocused on the design and manufacture of industrial cobotic manipulators. The company has extended the range, now offering a wide range of ergonomic solutions for loads up to 200 kg. These innovative products are now marketed in France and in several European countries.
Since 2018, NEODITECH is present in Deutschland (Otterfing).
NEODITECH’s vision has always been to avoid MSDs (Musculoskeletal disorders) in industrial environments.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
NEODITECH: Our main activity consists in design and create some ranges of cobotic manipulators. From concepting to assembling these manipulators, we control the entire production chain. Thanks to our Engineering Department, we can work on many fields of loads and try to solve it. Thus, since 2007, we sell more than 500 cobotic manipulators in France and European countries.

E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
NEODITECH: In 2021, we raised our new range of mobile articulated crane, destinated to small and medium-sized firms. This range is a turnkey product, the intervention of the design office is not necessary.
We constantly work on Research & Development, first to make our products more efficient all days. Continuous improvement of our current ranges is is a goal that follows our teams all year round.
Also, we work on two new ranges of products, to make us more competitive and ergonomic. One will be raised during next year, and the other one will be raised during the next 3/4 years. Stay connect if you want more information!
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
NEODITECH: We offer to our clients 4 ranges of products. Each one deserves a precise goal:
The SCARA manipulator arm: it can manipulate loads up to 100kg in a radius of 2m. It permits to mechanize manual handling operations and also increases operator safety and comfort. Thanks to our high-performance in-house Engineering Department, we can offer you the exact specific gripping tool to suit your needs—clamp, magnet, suction cup, and the rest.
The mobile articulated crane safely handles sacks, boxes, etc., up to a maximum weight of 70 kg or 100 kg. With multi-pivot articulations between the arm segments, identical to those on the SCARA arm, extra-smooth movements are guaranteed, even with the device under load. Its compatibility with a wide range of gripping systems (lifting tubes, hoists, etc.) enables a safe and versatile solution to ever-changing industrial lifting issues and helps combat MSDs.

With its crescent-shaped base, the ERGO360° station provides optimum close-up access to parts. This base can be fitted with feet or wheels. Set-up is therefore very quick and requires no prior building work. The total footprint is kept to a minimum to ensure the device integrates easily into the production environment. Electric actuators provide extra-smooth movement, controlled by a user interface. Up to 5 individual users can be programmed, each with 3 preset positions in memory.
The manipulator for picking aeras is guided by the operator, he seconds the human arm. Its handling is very fast and its intuitive use. The movements are precise, regardless of the load on board. It allows manipulations of parts stored in racks, under smooth, overcoming constraints of cantilevering. Its fluid design on double pivots limits the feeling of charge to wear, the user can focus on his job. It enables manipulation of parts stored in racks, under spars, free from the constraints of an overhanging grip.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
NEODITECH: Our market is growing at the same time as the various issues of CRS and well-being at work. The industry became more and more attractive and there is a trend towards relocation and French consumption.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
NEODITECH: The market is growing constantly. The handling issues are multiplying and diversifying. We are increasingly approached by small companies, concerned about the well-being of their employees. In the coming years, the application fields will further expand and there is no doubt that the ranges of companies in the sector will follow the trend.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
NEODITECH: All of our ranges of products are innovative. NEODITECH is the only one which marketed 100% mobile ergonomic solutions.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
NEODITECH: In 2021, we hope to develop a growth of 39%. Also, we hope to develop our share in exports.