On October 10th, local time, YIZUMI-HPM holds a grand ceremony for the new facility expansion at its Ohio factory, as...
PARTORY is a digital factory with unlimited machinery focusing on metal components. The main goal of the company is to streamline...
Acentech provides acoustics, noise and vibration control, as well as technology design consulting to clients across the globe. Headquartered in Cambridge,...
In-cabin artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming how we interact with vehicles, enhancing both safety and personalization. These systems monitor driver...
Copma Polska is a leading manufacturer of rail-road vehicles, specializing in the construction of technologically advanced machines for the construction...
STM Microtec provides integrated solutions and testing for grinding and dosing since 1971. A wide and comprehensive range of customized...
LATI is a company active in the field of technical thermoplastic compounds suitable for injection molding. Founded in Italy in...
In today’s world, the tiniest of electronic components, fractions of millimeters in size, are critical to innovations ranging from electric...