CyberGrid is a specialist in the development of innovative Flexibility Management Platform solutions. With their technology enabling the integration of renewable energies, storage devices and demand response, CyberGrid plays a major role in Europe’s full speed decarbonization efforts.
Easy Engineering: A brief description of the company and its activities.
We offer an innovative cloud-based flexibility management technology, consulting services and research in the EU power sector. As flexibility experts since 2010, we continuously help electricity utilities, aggregators, system operators, prosumers and energy communities to unlock flexibility potential, reduce costs and create new revenue streams.
Our vision
We believe that all energy generated, stored and consumed should be renewable and flexible.
Our mission
We strive to unlock and manage distributed power flexibility to make it useful for a variety of power system use cases.
Key market advantage
Our key market advantage is our wealth of European-wide experience in the energy industry in combination with a wide network of local and international partners, and a competitive pricing strategy to deliver professional consulting services and high-end software solutions.
E.E: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
The Flexibility Management Platform CyberNoc adds intelligence and scalability, while seamlessly integrates and monetizes distributed resources for a secure and clean grid. It is a one-stop shop and control platform that operates on a second-by-second basis. CyberNoc award-winning technology optimizes their distributed flexibilities, through automatization and interoperability; covering the whole value chain from generation to storage, transmission, and end-consumption, right through to bidding.

In the ongoing transformation of the power supply industry, we are moving away from centralized generation to distributed generation, to integrate flexible resources such as renewable energies, industrial and commercial loads, energy storage systems, residential users/producers, and others.
CyberNoc provides seamless and secure flexibility aggregation and monetization on different electricity markets (ancillary services, balancing, intraday, day-ahead, etc.) and can be used by network operators, retailers, and implemented in smart city solutions, among others.
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
Version 6 of the state-of-the-art Flexibility Management Platform
CyberNoc is a state-of-the-art platform that is constantly upgrading and adding new features and functionalities for their users.
The version 6 of the software solution adds new remarkable features, for example: the customer centric development to increase transparency and enhance the interaction between customers and the market; and the Autobidder, which maximizes the profitability of connected customer assets to the market.
Beyond that, CyberNoc version 6 is supporting and already connected to the European market platforms PICASSO, for the exchange of balancing energy from automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves (aFRR), and MARI, focused on the manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR).
E.E: What is the range of products?
Our software solution is designed to multi-market all kinds of flexibility in the electric grid on various markets and provide multiple services to customers. It pools the sources of flexibility to portfolios, which can then be brought to multiple markets simultaneously, thereby generating additional revenue by providing multiple opportunities for monetization. We do therefore usually connect directly to TSO-markets and pass on remaining flexibility to the trading desk to Intraday-Continuous markets.
Flexibility can come from demand response sources like room heating and EV-charging to industrial loads like Power-2-heat units, but also classical sources of flexibility like pumped-hydro gas turbines and thermal power plants. The characteristics of these assets are imported into our system to ensure that the software understands the typical behaviour of these assets.
In case that deviations occur, notifications and alarms -if necessary- are sent out to the respective group or contact person. Regarding size, we harvest flexibility coming from industrial loads and generation units on the high-voltage grid as well as home batteries and heat-pumps on the low-voltage grid.
Furthermore, our software supports the role of an aggregator by allowing restricted access to the platform, to ensure that customers can see their information but can also upload schedules and define the asset availability. Customers have no visibility of the other assets in the portfolio, which ensures confidentiality towards other customers.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
We are active in multiple markets in several countries such as Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and several other countries where we do have an impact through our R&D projects. As we are active in multiple markets in several countries, the answer highly depends on each country and each market, and mostly on the country’s legislature.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
Ancillary services markets gained a lot of value for many assets in the last years. Flexibility is generally valued a lot in the markets, as classical forms of generation are pushed out of the power-markets by volatile generation coming from renewables. DSOs will need a large amount of distributed sources of flexibility and we are very keen on providing services for this purpose and we are in a good position to do exactly that.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
We are currently the only company providing the whole range of flexibility renumeration across all markets in Europe. The most difficult use-case in that regard is to optimally multi-market storage because of its short duration and baselining restrictions.
DSO flexibility is still not defined in many countries, but we will address this topic as soon as regulatory specifications are set in the countries in which we are active.
E.E: What estimations do you have for the rest of 2023?
We are already working with our customers and partners today on the further increased added value of tomorrow. We foresee a maximized monetization of market opportunities; automated market integration of thousands of customer assets with one click; the transformation from consumers to active prosumers enabling the energy transition; proactive neighborhoods and meaningful gamification; standardization in interoperability for optimized connection of customer assets as well as European short-term markets; and a seamless and efficient evolution of the market design.
In Q1 2024, we will establish connection to many additional assets in the field such as Power-2-Heat units in industrial environments, large-scale gas turbines, large-scale heat-pumps, inter alia. Furthermore, we are rolling out our campaign to private customers of EVN inviting them to join our program Green-the-Flex, which aims to collect large amounts of small-scale flexibility and aggregate them for the marketing on wholesale and even ancillary services markets.