AFIDAMP is the Italian association that brings together the different souls of the professional cleaning supply chain in Italy. Its members include manufacturers, importers and distributors of products, machinery, paper and equipment, as well as other sectoral bodies. Founded in 1981 in Milan, AFIDAMP still continues today to protect and promote a sector that represents a Made in Italy flag in the world. In fact, Italy has always been a world leader in the production of professional cleaning products, machinery and tools. Today AFIDAMP represents with over 275 members the best of the Italian cleaning market, consisting of companies wll-known both nationally and abroad.
Interview with Stefania Verrienti, Director of AFIDAMP.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the organization?
Stefania Verrienti: AFIDAMP works for the growth and protection of the sector.
Its institutional role and relations with the country’s main ministries and public bodies, as well as relations with universities and other associations abroad, are crucial.
Moreover, the association plays an important role in the social and cultural field, promoting the value of cleanliness as an essential requirement for well-being and quality of life. Professional cleaning concerns us all, because it affects every sphere of social life: schools, means of transport, public offices, healthcare facilities, accommodation, roads, etc.
E.E: What’s the news for 2024 about new directions?
S.V: During 2024 AFIDAMP will continue to work for the growth of the professional cleaning industry. We will intensify relations with ministries and institutions in order to give more weight to our members. We will also work to provide AFIDAMP members with more and more services by creating dedicated agreements for them.
The two main directions we are working towards are workplace safety and environmental sustainability, in view of the 2030 Agenda goals.

We have been working a lot towards guidelines for hygiene in the workplace, to have safe environments in public and private offices, schools, hospitals and all the places with high population density.
For the machinery world, the new PRC for washing-dryers machines has just been presented. This new Product Category Rule, already validated by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, will allow manufacturers to start the certification process according to the Made Green in Italy scheme.
This is a very important step that allows the introduction of a precise orientation in the company’s production: that of associating Italian quality manufacturing with the message of the environment and sustainability seen, not only as tools for enhancing the territory and the environment, but also as a means of differentiation on the market and development of the circular economy.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends? What estimations do you have for 2024?
S.V: Most of the companies are optimistic, even if the energy and feedstock costs are increasing and the international situation is very uncertain. In any case investments in green products and digitalization of machinery will grow in 2024.
The professional cleaning sector is very strong and solid in Italy, made up of historic companies that are well established in the domestic market and also in foreign countries. Given the difficult situation due to the war in Ukraine and the war in the Middle East, it is difficult to make predictions, but we are confident that our members will be able to carry out their work seriously and competently.