FerWood is an international group that selects, reconditions and sells the best second-hand woodworking machinery all over the world. Ferwood was born in Pollenzo, northern Italy, about 60 km to the south from Turin from Luigi Rossi’s experience over decades in woodworking machinery, accessories and carpentry. The name “Ferwood” was obtained by combining the initials of Federica, Edoardo and Riccardo – Luigi’s sons – with the English word “wood”.
In an everchanging world, where the market is changing and competitiveness is the order of the day, what does not change are the core values upon which Ferwood has been founded and consolidated. The constant and almost obsessive search for quality, attention to every detail, knowledge and expertise in the sector, enthusiasm in everyday activities, curiosity, and the desire to tackle both realistic and ambitious goals represent the solid values which have remained unchanged through the years and shared by competent and passionate people. Besides seeking, reconditioning and selling the best second-hand woodworking machines and accessories, the Ferwood Group owns a large number of machines, stored in large warehouses distributed over the national and international territories, and immediately available to offer customers an all-round service on the entire range. From the first machine sold to date, Ferwood has become a household name for the quality of products and services it sells worldwide.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
FerWood: Ferwood selects the used woodworking machinery of the best brands like Homag group, IMA Group, Biesse Group, SCM Group and many others, comprehensively reconditioned them according to customer specifications and sells them to his own customers. Each customer can find a machine perfectly refurbished to meet their needs, machinery available in stock, and an efficient network all over the world. Besides selling the best woodworking machines, the Ferwood Group supplies a technical support service not connected with product sales. This is Ferwood Service, an organized consultancy service that follows the customer through each purchasing step and beyond. Ferwood Service products can be offered separately, not as part of a Ferwood brand package, to customers who are not buying a machine.

E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
FerWood: Whereas Ferwood is characterized by second-hand machines, it is not proper to refer to new products. However, Ferwood continuously updates its stock, offering its customers a wide range of quality machines for woodworking.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
FerWood: Ferwood offers its customers a wide range of used Woodworking Machinery including Edgebanding machines, Squaring Machine, Cnc Machine Centres and Routers, Drilling – Inserting Machines, Beam Panel Saws, Production Lines, Automation, Pressing and Laminating and others. Moreover, Ferwood offers several Services, ranging from Machinery Services like Support & Maintenance, Machine overhauling, Machine Modifications & Updates, Training Service, Machine Recycling & Engineering Solution, to Parts Services like Machine Components Overhauling & Update and Used & Regenerated Spare Parts.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
FerWood: Certainly, the market in which Ferwood Group is currently active represents a fast growing market that has been consolidating more and more in recent years. Moreover, the forecasts for the next few years also seem to move in the same direction, demonstrating a market that doesn’t seem to want to stop. Considering that there is always room for improvement the goal of Ferwood is exactly to seize every opportunity’s possible for the growth of the Group.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
FerWood: Without any doubt, the pandemic has impacted all the economic trends, including the machines, tools and equipment for woodworking and furniture production. However, this trend presents some “peculiarities”. Indeed, according to Acimall – Italian Woodworking Technology Association – in the first semester of 2021 the orders of wood-furniture machinery and tools increased by 100.3 percent compared to the same semester of the previous year. This result is quite significant, but it is necessary to take in consideration that it is compare with the first half of 2020, period in which the Coronavirus Pandemic had its strongest impact on the economy of the entire world.
Nevertheless, this growth trend is really significant and It represents a real structural expansion.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
FerWood: Among the most innovative products certainly there are the complete production lines offered by Ferwood, customized according to the specific needs of customers thanks to Ferwood’s specialized team. Always talking about innovation, it is necessary to mention the Live-Demo and Virtual Tour that Ferwood has recently implemented in order to keep up with the times and offer its customers the best experience possible. The Live-Demo consists in the possibility to make a remote appointment with Ferwood Managers and technical Engineers available to answer to all questions: a direct and innovative solution to bring Ferwood closer to all its customers!
The Virtual-Tour, instead, offers customers the opportunity to get to know Ferwood and visit its showroom directly from the comfort of their home or offices.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
FerWood: Ferwood is expected to witness great growth in the near future. For 2021, it can be estimated a 30% growth compared to the previous year 2020, in which the Group was able to attain already exceptional results considering the pandemic. “Growing is the mission we all believe in” states Riccardo Rossi, Chief Executive Officer of Ferwood. The global growth of the Group is the fruit of work carried out with great passion and dedication. The on-going search for valid partners, the creation of new centers, the opening of new warehouses, and the incessant increase in the number of machines bought and refurbished, all contribute to Ferwood’s growth, day after day.