Senya Crushers and their partner companies have been manufacturing aggregate processing and mining equipment for almost 60 years. The company has been world leaders in the technology of the field, including an impact crusher that became one of the most powerful in the world at 2000 tph. The US operation has been in business since 2015, and they sell equipment worldwide.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
SENYA CRUSHERS: Our primary focus with the US operation is our revolutionary line of MICRO Processing Equipment, truly unequalled anywhere in the world. The portability of our MICRO Crusher lineup allows the end user to process on site, effectively eliminating half the cost of Aggregate, which is transportation. Our entry level MICRO Crushers can be pulled with a pickup truck, yet easily produce 200-300 tons per day of aggregate. The machines are powered by a self enclosed US custom made and warrantied diesel generator powering electric motors with negligible operating and maintenance costs. The Senya 3 can run all day on less than 10 gallons of fuel. At minimal volumes, our machines can easily pay for themselves in a few short months. See our cashflow calculator at
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
SENYA CRUSHERS: As we continue to expand our MICRO Crusher lineup, the current lineup of DOT approved mobile crushers and conveyors will be expanded with a MICRO Screen plant for ’22. When these are available later this year we will then offer an entire highly mobile aggregate processing plant that produces and sorts 200-300 tons per day of three sizes of aggregate simultaneously, autoloading all material directly to the dump trucks, all run by a single operator loading the line with a skid steer and controlling with remote, ALL FOR LESS THAN $180K US! Also, in the works for later in ’22 is a MICRO Impact Crusher as well as EV battery power options. Our corporate plan for our brand is to duplicate every single component of the major processing systems on a MICRO level. We are truly pioneering the MICRO Processing category.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
SENYA CRUSHERS: We manufacturer machinery to handle any and all aspects of aggregate processing and mining equipment. From Jaw, Impact, Cone, VSI (Sandmakers) crushers, every type of screening equipment, conveyors in any configuration and/or chassis type (wheeled, crawl, permanent), 3 and 4 in one multi component units on a single chassis, ball mills, storage silos, pneumatic material moving systems, material washing systems, concrete recycle and mobile plant systems, there is nothing in our arena that we are not involved. Our engineers are of the finest in the world at determining the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet any processing needs. From the smallest to the largest capacity machinery in the world, our range is unequalled.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
SENYA CRUSHERS: We are in an extremely expansive mode as we round out our MICRO Crusher offering as the demand for our products literally has no limit currently. The return on our machinery is unprecedented, and the market is exploding as the pent up construction through the pandemic continues to improve as projects move forward at an increasing rate. Our end users greatest challenge is finding the manpower to keep up. Concrete is the most recycled material in the world, yet we still feel that trend is still in it’s formative stages worldwide, and especially so here in the US.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
SENYA CRUSHERS: With the project activity moving to higher gears, our industry is suffering the same supply chain challenges experienced worldwide. The demolition disposal costs are skyrocketing as dumping sites charge higher and higher rates. The cost of purchasing aggregate is increasing exponentially as well as the supply can’t keep up with the growing demand. There are some markets in the US where contractors simply can’t find aggregate locally, and are forced to incur the major transportation costs from further away. These issues will only continue to be more challenging here in the US as the economy eventually improves.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
SENYA CRUSHERS: Without a doubt, our MICRO lineup is nothing short of revolutionary for the entire market segment of small to mid-size construction contractors. As the larger players recognize the advantages of the extreme portability of our MICRO Crushers, they too continue to show interest in the inherent cost savings of this factor despite many already owning the larger aggregate processing equipment. More than a few of our larger equipment customers own MICRO Crushers as well, with their ability to efficiently and profitably handle smaller jobs that larger equipment can’t justify. With spiraling upward demo disposal and aggregate purchase costs, the value of our machinery grows correspondingly greater every day.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?
SENYA CRUSHERS: We expect ’22 to be a stellar year for Senya Crushers, with our biggest challenges being keeping up with production. Though our production capabilities cannot by exceeded on the machine itself, maintaining adequate supply of our US made generators continues to be our limiting factor given current supply chain issues and receiving bottlenecks into the US. We expect both to continue to improve, with our largest challenge then simply getting the word out the small-mid-sized contractor that they can not only now crush for themselves, but they can do so extremely profitably with the potential to truly revolutionize their business. Visit us at, contact us to let us show you how others are doing it right now!