Flow Robotics A/S is a Danish robotics company with a vision of making liquid handling automation accessible to all. The company does this by breaking down technology barriers with the intuitive and user-friendly pipetting robot, flowbot® ONE.
flowbot® ONE enables automation of various pipetting tasks in laboratories to take place easily to increase throughput, avoid human errors and reduce strain injuries.
The have carefully designed flowbot® ONE to adapt to individual laboratories with no need for advanced programming, extensive training, or a long implementation period.
Easy Engineering: Tell us about the team in your company and how important is the human factor?
FLOW ROBOTICS: We make sure to surround ourselves with people who all share our vision. The human factor is important because it is our common purpose that drives the company forward and motivates us to keep developing our automation solutions in the right direction. No matter our job titles, we have one thing in common: a real passion for laboratory automation.
E.E: What’s the client feedback for the best-selling products?
FLOW ROBOTICS: Our clients really appreciate the flexibility of flowbot® ONE. It allows them to adapt it to their individual laboratories and workflows and frees them from being locked to specific programs.
They also speak highly of the user-friendliness as the intuitive interface makes practically everyone qualified to use the robot and set up programs easily.
What most of our users have in common is simply excitement over being free of manual pipetting, how easy the transition was and how it has increased their throughput. Many of them also speaks about how it has made their work environment much better and reduced strain injuries from manual pipetting. These are all things we love to hear.

E.E: How does this feedback impact development of new products?
FLOW ROBOTICS: Our customers are important to us, and we value their opinions highly. Consequently, we are always listening to what they need to succeed. We also believe in adaptability. Having regular dialogue and keeping in touch with our customers and clients really help us identify how we should adapt and stay dynamic.
E.E: Tell us about the research and development in your company?
FLOW ROBOTICS: We are always working on developing our technologies and services to accommodate our current and future customers’ requirements. In the light of the pandemic, we have seen a need for less human interaction in the laboratories. We are currently looking towards expanding the applications of flowbot® ONE to meet that demand and create a sphere where robots and humans work comfortably together. After all, robotics is really all about humans.
E.E: What is your company philosophy and what drives your company forward?
FLOW ROBOTICS: Our philosophy is to make a difference from behind the scenes and set the foundation for researchers to develop new and cutting-edge technologies. We believe automation should not be difficult and, therefore, ease-of-use is deeply embedded in our DNA.
We work on driving automation forward every day and seek to revolutionize the hard daily work in modern laboratories. It gives us purpose to make a real contribution with our own unique selling points.
E.E: Give us some details about the after-sales service & customer support?
FLOW ROBOTICS: Our customers are the reason why we exist, and we strive to give them the best support so the robot can contribute to their workflow in the most ideal manner. It is essential for us that flowbot® ONE is providing the value the customers expect when they make the purchase, and that laboratory automation lives up to their expectations.
Therefore, we personally install the robots directly at the customers and help them set up their programs. We can also customize devices directly for individual customers, if they need something special, and we offer extensive service packages with bi-annual and annual check-ups. Equally important, we guide them to find the solution that is the right fit for them.

What our customers say
Nordic Bioscience goes from manual to automated pipetting
“Hands-on time have been reduced from 2:15 hours to 20 min when running up to 8 biomarkers simultaneously in the lab” – Kishwar Musa, Director of the Clinical Lab, Nordic Bioscience
Danish hospitals use flowbot ONE for COVID-19 sample preparation
“We are incredibly happy that Flow Robotics can deliver their robots so quickly. They are innovative, and they automate just what we need” – Jens Otto Jarløv, Chief Physician, Herlev Hospital
How Ampliqon kickstarted their lab with flowbot® ONE
“Once the programs are in, everything is pretty self-evident. And then it is literally just a matter of pressing ‘start’. We have had no real need for training” – Carsten Mamsen Jessen, Molecular Biologist, Ampliqon