As a 50-year-old family-run company, the Boix Group is a regional and global leader in developing and manufacturing sustainable packaging machines.
Spain-headquartered Boix, is a leading designer and manufacturer of industrial machines for forming, erecting, and gluing corrugated and compact cardboard boxes. The company prides itself on providing its customers with a true sustainability advantage. Boix offers safe, reliable, and innovative automation solutions for carton packaging through standardization.
As one of the six production sites of the Boix Group, Boix Europe is responsible for 44 countries. As a renowned partner, they offer customers the opportunity to pack, transport and present their valuable products in a protected and sustainable way.
The company works every day to make life better for as many people as possible. Therefore, thtey aim to inspire and help people live a responsible and healthy lifestyle. Boix also pursues circular entrepreneurship. That means they want to reduce the use of new raw materials and our CO2 emissions.
Easy Engineering: How do your CSR practices improve the well-being of the community and society?
BOIX: In 1973, the basic principles for fair and equal business were laid down, resulting in our current Boix Group Codes. These set out how we as Boix should act in certain situations related to the Sustainable Development Goals.
As Boix, we can not only make a difference globally, but through the Boix Group Codes we make a positive impact locally as well as internationally on the environment, society, and the further Sustainable Development Goals.

E.E: What are your company’s views towards the environment and sustainability?
BOIX: We produce long-life machines (20y.+), separate and reuse our production waste. In addition, a customer can save on materials and transport costs, which means fewer trucks on the road (CO2 reduction). This is because the customer can produce its own boxes on site and needs less m2 to do so. Boix Europe also aims to develop new-generation machines that consume less energy or air and produce in an even more sustainable way.
Boix has launched the Boix MCT-TS machine that can fold and glue cardboard punnets with a top ledge, which can be closed with existing sealing solutions without the need to directly change the client’s existing sealing-tool. This solution is highly attractive for the food sector, enabling clients to store fresh fruit and vegetables. This method can also be used with other items for food consumption such as fast and takeaway specialties, meat, confectionery, and bakery products. With this technology, customers can reduce the number of plastics in their packaging by 95 per cent. This lower consumption is very important, as some countries, including France, have already introduced stringent regulations regarding the use of plastics in packaging. Other European countries are following suit with similar new pieces of legislation.
Next to the exceptional market for punnets, Boix is always improving the well-known tray formers according to the needs of customers. As an example, the latest development is to automatically switch between tray sizes without any manual intervention, a feature now available in several models.
Our machines make a significant contribution to the environment through their sustainability features. With their flexibility and long durability, we contribute to the environment. Additionally, our commitment to continuous innovation results in the development of new products that aim to reduce plastic usage and prevent waste treatment, making sustainability a core principle in everything we do.

E.E: What role does CSR play in the company for your employees?
BOIX: Sustainability is also rigorously pursued internally at Boix. We aim to inspire and help our environment with responsible and healthy business practices. Within our manufacturing company, we strive for circular entrepreneurship and sustainable solutions. We want to reduce the use of new raw materials and CO2 emissions. We work hard to achieve a positive social impact on everyone inside and outside the Boix Group. As a family business, it is in our DNA to take good care of our family and the local environment. We create a safe and nice workplace for our employees and ensure awareness of food and of waste.
E.E: Tell us about types of CSR implemented like: environmental initiatives, charity work, ethical labor practices, volunteer projects etc.?
BOIX: As a modern family-owned industrial company, we design sustainable, innovative, and tailor-made solutions with the highest quality standards. We continuously invest in technology, people, personal development and promote innovation.
Through reliability, long-term thinking, and responsible use of resources, we create lasting relationships and sustainable value for employees, customers, suppliers, and society.
The Boix Group Codes we applied describe how we as Boix should act in certain situations. Some of the existing protocols for this are the code of ethics, GDPR protocol, a staff guide, anti-corruption protocol, and more. Through the Boix Group Codes, we make a positive impact both locally and internationally on the environment, and society.

E.E: What part plays CSR in the overall success of companies?
BOIX: CSR plays a significant role in the overall success of companies. CSR initiatives can enhance a company’s reputation and brand image. Also, it can boost employee morale, engagement, and satisfaction. Employees feel proud to work for companies that actively contribute to society and make a positive impact.
Proactive environmental and social strategies can help minimize environmental accidents, regulatory violations, and reputational damage. Moreover, implementing sustainable practices can reduce energy consumption, waste generation, and resource inefficiencies, resulting in cost savings and improved operational efficiency. Also, continuous development of sustainable products and how to deploy them plays a role in this.
E.E: What can you tell us about future projects or initiatives?
BOIX: We want to move and build sustainable premises with an even more solid foundation – today and in the future. This branch will enable Boix to make itself even more sustainable and develop through new innovative solutions, including among others:
In the Experience Centre, work will be done on packaging optimization, allowing savings on both raw materials and logistics. Think of reducing materials and lowering energy consumption and m2. In addition, Boix wants to offer companies working in related industries (such as glue, cardboard, automation, etc.) the opportunity to meet in our Experience Centre. Above all, we hope that new sustainable collaborations will emerge, and companies will strengthen each other. Naturally, it is possible to discuss, realize and test projects at Boix.

E.E: What estimations do you have for the rest of the year?
BOIX: Continue to inspire and help our environment with responsible and healthy business practices. Within our manufacturing company, we continue to pursue circular entrepreneurship and sustainable solutions and reduce the use of new raw materials and CO2 emissions.
We want to complete our development projects and offer even more opportunities. We want to continue to help reduce costs, save materials, improve production, and create efficient logistics solutions as we already do. Through innovation, research, and cooperation, Boix Europe focuses on developing new products, services and improving current solutions. We work closely with our customers, partners and (training) instances to understand strategies and devise new solutions.

Boix Europe B.V.
Loubergweg 6
6961 EK Eerbeek
The Netherlands
+31 (0)313 670460