Apollo Group is the world’s leading supplier of vertical conveying systems, pursuing the key elements of high-quality machines.
With the needs and dreams of their customers at heart, Apollo Group is an example of growth by transformation. The company has almost 175 years of a proud family tradition to back this up. Together with their customers, Apollo designs, manufactures, sells and installs the next generation conveying solutions. Delivering both components as well as complete solutions for the material handling industry.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
APOLLO GROUP: Apollo operates in various market sectors with multiple product lines. The warehousing, food & beverage and manufacturing industries are the main sectors for Apollo. Through state-of-art solutions for vertical and horizontal transport, Apollo is the global technological leader in this field.
E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
- High speed shoot out, allows customers to shoot out products at high speeds at several levels in their manufacturing plant or warehouse;
- QR maintenance tag, allows customers to perform (critical) maintenance themselves for most common issues;
- Remote service, allows customers to perform complex maintenance jobs with remote support from Apollo support specialists, this by using state-of-art AR based solutions.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
APOLLO GROUP: The Apollo LS product range is very extensive as it has to transport a wide range of products. This from small packages within the cosmetics to the transport of pallets with bulk goods on a transfer station in a port area.
- Spiral Conveyors, heavy duty Spiral Conveyors, Massflow, Narrow Trak and Wide Trak for respectively large parcels, heavy packed products, bottles and cans, and large sized products;
- Bucket Elevators, for vertical and horizontal transport of loose bulk goods;
- Big bale press for pet and other organic products which needs to be pressed and packed into bales;
- Logistic systems, various types of conveyors for internal transport, this for small parcels up to complete pallets with goods.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
APOLLO GROUP: Apollo dominates in the warehousing, food & beverage and logistics sector. Due to strong growth in e-commerce and the entrance of new SMART technologies this is a juvenile market with many opportunities for growth and innovation.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
APOLLO GROUP: Due to the COVID pandemic the e-commerce bolstered growth. This trend seems to continue and even accelerates despite restrictions will be altered gradually.
Another key trend which impacts the industry is digitalization, which brings new opportunities. Sustainability is an emerging trend as well, something which is embedded in the design and how Apollo is intending to run its business.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
APOLLO GROUP: The Apollo Spiral Conveyor conveyor is still perceived by customers as innovative, as it will save a lot of floorspace in comparison to the more conventional technologies used in vertical transport.
Though remote support (AR) and the QR maintenance tag are perceived at a WOW-level and should therefore be earmarked as most innovative products
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
APOLLO GROUP: Acceleration across the whole board, business wise as well on the innovation side. More to come in 2022!
Every day we strive to develop and deliver products and services that help our customers grow. Do you want to know more about these products and services? Get in touch with us, we are here to help.