Gamba Safety is a Biella-based company with a long experience in the mechanical engineering sector, offering a wide range of activities and services in the field of safety, quality and efficiency.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
Our sectors are divided as follows: Lifelines Division, Whipblock Division, Skiwhi.
Gamba Safety has been working with lifelines since 2009.We manufacture, install and inspect fall arrest systems. We have patented ‘Gairon’, a unique rope with four international patents.
Whipblock was born in 2015, we always use ‘Gairon’ with the aim of protecting operators working near high pressure pipes from the whip that could be caused by a pipe burst. The unique Whipblock, with our coated rope “Gairon”, protects the cable even after it has broken, guaranteeing greater safety.
Skiwhi is a P.P.E. that revolutionises the transport of sports equipment. For example, it can be used to car- ry skis, ensuring correct posture without the risk of the skis opening and causing discomfort in ski lifts. It is also very practical for storing skis.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?
The Whipblock division is expanding and we have recently developed new products: Whipblock Toolsaver and Whipblock WHIP&STOP. Toolsaver is used to prevent tools from accidentally falling when working at height. There are three models (Single, Double and XL).
WHIP&STOP, on the other hand, is designed for a different type of emergency button that can work in all conditions.
There are also three models (RING, SLIDING, STRAIGHT). Furthermore, as far as Whipblock is concerned, the European Commission, at our request, has defined high-pressure hose restraints as a safety component within the meaning of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Whipblock does all this: it holds the hose to the machine (or the hose itself), preventing whiplash.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
For the lifeline sector, Gamba Safety offers single anchors such as Double One, Double X, Double Grek, etc. We offer a universal kit to be installed on the roof for safe working. Or you can ask for a customised offer.
For the Whipblock range the models are WAD GA-10, WAD GA-40 and WAS GA-10 (with different sizes according to requirements). The WAD models are double with both ends universal and can be installed on any type of pipe. The WAS model is single, with one end universal and the other fixed.
The designation GA-10 means that the composite cable is 3.2mm thick and meets the requirements of the Machinery Directive and is PPE, whereas the designation GA-40 means that the composite cable is 6mm thick and meets the requirements of the Machinery Directive only.
The Skiwhi has two models: 1400mm for children and 1600mm for adults.”

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
Our market is currently in a stable position.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
Our customers are mostly from: the construction, plumbing, hydraulics and electrical sectors etc… They purchase the entire Whipblock range according to requirements and request customised quotes for the installation of lifelines.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
All of our products are innovative, but the ones that are certainly the most innovative are in the Whipblock division (WAD GA-10, WAS GA-10, WAD GA-40, Toolsaver and Whip&Stop).
E.E: What estimations do you have for the rest of 2023?
Well, our estimates for the rest of 2023 are to increase online sales in our new e-commerce that will be launched soon.