SensyMIC, located in the Rhein-Main Frankfurt area in Alzenau is one of the most experienced suppliers of Mineral insulated metal sheathed cables (MIMS cables or MI-cables). SensyMIC represents a long tradition in production of sheathed cables. Founded by Degussa in the 1960s the company has been part of the WIKA group since 2017.
The compmany manufactures a wide program of MI cables for sheathed thermocouples and sheathed resistance thermometers. All standardized thermocouples of type K, J, L, T, U, E and N as well as the precious metal types R, S and B can be delivered. Also, various sheathed cables with Cu, CuNi, Ni and NiCr inner leads are our standards.
SensyMIC provides MI-cables in outstanding quality for heavy duty applications – made in Germany.
MI-cables are consisting of only three different components, but to get a reliable component for temperature measurement at the end, there is a high level of know-how and expertise in drawing processes and material characteristics necessary.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
SensyMIC: Our focus is on establishing close partnerships with our customers for a very wide range of industries. We can offer products of the highest quality level and providing technical solution, which are not only reliable but even can improve our customers business processes.
Custom-tailored solutions for our OEM partners are in various industries: Chemical and petrochemical industries, Energy and steam generation, Food and beverage, oil and gas, basic material industries, Pharma industry, machine building and automation.
Everywhere temperature has to be measured you can find our MI-cables.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?
SensyMIC: We are continuously increasing our product ranges together with our customers demand on the MI-cable. Last year we released our new cable which will be used in hydrogen applications. This MI-cable was developed for reliable, safe and furthermore homogenous and stabilized measuring results.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
SensyMIC: Our products can be used in a wide range of applications, in particular in the field of temperature measurement and control, for example in sensor technology for hazardous areas. MI-cables are suitable for extreme temperature ranges and SensyMIC MI-cables are suitable for a lot of heavy-duty applications. Based on our special production processes – which are unique worldwide – we can provide MI-cables that fulfil customers’ demands in critical areas. Also, our stabilized type K material allows our clients to reproduce the measurement values we confirm in our certification. Also end customers can find these values and this allows them to reduce costs and repetitive quality control steps.
Supplementary to our MI-cables we can provide a wide range of Thermocouple cables, compensating cables and insulated thermocouple wires. Due to our modern and fast processes in our warehouse we are able to delivery quantities on demand.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
SensyMIC: Due to the wide range of markets we and our customers supply, we are widely independent of market trends. The mixture of worldwide fluctuations in the markets reflects our main business trends.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
SensyMIC: Our product is developed in the early 1900s and the measuring principle of this is still valid and established and approved in many industries and applications. The common trends which you can also find in our business like IIoT, Wireless, etc. still need the reliable components to measure the processes in the applications. What is changing is the demand on quality of products to safe more resources, energy and to be more sustainable for our future generations. This is an indicator to use the SensyMIC MI-cable, because we produce long-term quality which you can use a lifetime. Producing here in Germany with fair wages for our employees and a high view on sustainability.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
SensyMIC: Since we produce a component for a measurement sensor, we do innovations together with our customers. Furthermore, we have the ability to be very flexible and service orientated. We are able to react to customers within hours and deliver products the same day from our warehouse. We support our customers with service and documentation and questioning ourselves everyday “what can we do better” to serve our customers’ demands and to reduce the work on our customers business processes to a minimum. We are able to work e.g. with various electronically order processes to meet this goal.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?
SensyMIC: We invested in resources and manpower in this year, we are positive that the world keeps on turning!