Launched in 2014, LogistiVIEW works with leading supply chain companies to leverage Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality within their operation to help run their operation with more intelligence.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
LogistiVIEW: LogistiVIEW is a US-based SAAS solution company that provides intelligence software to warehousing, manufacturing and service/retail operations to improve worker performance and overall operational throughput. Through advanced resource planning, real-time optimization and intelligent execution solutions, LogistiVIEW is taking operational management to new levels.
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
LogistiVIEW: LogistiVIEW is continually innovating our product suite to provide additional value to our customers. As leading-edge technologies continue to evolve and expand, LogistiVIEW incorporates features that take advantage of Artificial Intelligence in an impactful way; turning insights into action.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
LogistiVIEW: Operations Planning – LogistiVIEW models your operational capacities to provide a accurate view of your operational capacities, constraints and operational potential.
Leveraging real-time performance metrics to view where you stand throughout the day and better project your labor needs based on employee schedules. LogistiVIEW accounts for the variability of worker performance and operational constraints to better project the impact on your operation.
- Real-time visibility to changing operational conditions that will impact TODAY’s operational performance;
- Predictive analytics to identify FUTURE constraints to be able to setup your operation for success tomorrow;
- A consistent view of building performance and capacity across your ENTIRE network in Real-Time.
Automated Decision Making – LogistiVIEW’s Automated Decision Making (ADM) utilizes AI decision models and machine learning to automate decision making within warehousing, manufacturing and retail/service operations. LogistiVIEW’s ADM helps front-line managers and workers make a decision or automatically takes an action, based on a recognized pattern or defined business rules. By continually evaluating real-time conditions and constraints, AI enables human workers to work more efficiently and intelligently complete their job.
- TaskFlow for e-commerce distribution to optimize order selection and real-time execution to maximize order throughput and reduce operational bottlenecks
- TaskFlow for heavy truck-load operations to maximize dock utilization and turn doors faster
- Manufacturing Sequencing to make sure the right sub-components are assembled and delivered when needed
- Inbound Trailer selection to manage the prioritization of unload schedules based on inventory needs, detention reduction, dock & labor capacity, etc
- Intelligent Slotting to more dynamically slot product in appropriate forward bin based on movement, stackability/crushability, space-utilization, etc
- Dynamic Distributed Order Management to direct orders throughout your network based on building capacity, delivery demands, and inventory availability
- Routing Guide Compliance to ensure you and your partners are adhering the contract commitments and much more.
Intelligent Execution – LogistiVIEW’s Intelligent Execution leverages a simple to use workflow editor to which allows you to quickly build and deploy a workflow for any business process. Leverage smartglasses, smartphones, tablets or your existing RF devices!

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
LogistiVIEW: LogistiVIEW operates at the edge of technology and works with Supply Chain companies that are doing the same. As more companies look to leverage AI and AR to give their workers an edge, the growth of our customer base continues to expand across enterprise, mid-market and SMB companies.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
LogistiVIEW: The market continues to grow rapidly. More frequently companies are turning to technology to solve more complex operational problems and elevate the pressures that are on front-line management that drives day-to-day operational success.
Worker shortages continue to drive companies to look for solutions that will help on-board, train and ramp-up employees by simplifying work instructions and digitizing tribal knowledge with technology solutions.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
LogistiVIEW: TaskFlow for warehousing – LogistiVIEW’ s TaskFlow solution bundles the power of Automated Decision Making with Intelligent Execution to improve operational throughput and provide a more consistent outcome. Leveraging Next Best Decision logic LogistiVIEW monitors real-time conditions and constraints to get the right work at the right time automatically.
Vision+ – LogistiVIEW ties together Augmented Reality with Artificial Intelligence to provide simple work instructions to front-line workers with built-in intelligence to get the right work at the right time.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?
LogistiVIEW: LogistiVIEW is projecting 3x customer growth for 2023. This growth is primarily targeted with our TaskFlow and Vision+ products.