Cooling, a brand of Pervormance International, is becoming increasingly important in times of climate warming. However, it is not very environmentally friendly to use air conditioners. This heats up the climate even more. That is why the Female Company pervormance international offers a sustainable alternative with the trademark E.COOLINE. Their patented 3D technology COOLINE SX3 is integrated into smart, actively cooling clothing and home textiles such as cooling vests or cooling headwear as well as cooling bedspreads or curtains. In addition, the company is already working on sustainable air conditioning for buildings and vehicles. Only air and water are used as refrigerants, there is no need of electric energy and 90% of the fibers are made by upcycling. This saves 100% energy and up to 97% CO2. Thus, the company offers the first climate-friendly “air conditioning” in the world.
Furthermore, a second brand of Pervormance International GmbH named SlimCOOL has started in the cosmetic market with a sustainable and innovative method to shape your body and lose weight by cooling.
Interview with Gabriele Renner, CEO of Pervormance International.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
Gabriele Renner: The target groups of pervormance are companies with hot workplaces, athletes who want to increase their performance in heat, patients with heat related illnesses and all people suffering from heat because of climate warming especially vulnerable groups like elderly, kids and more.
Also, dogs and horses are addressed with cooling products.
With SlimCOOL the company started in the cosmetic market of beauty tools to reduce weight and improve your appearance.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?
G.R: Pervormance started his business in the innovative field of smart cooling apparel to reduce heat stress with a sustainable technology. The effectiveness, wearing comfort and design are shown by studies and awarded by different institutes. In the last two years the innovators developed products in the brand-new sector of cooling home textiles. With the world’s first cooling curtain rooms can be cooled down without any air conditioning system.
SlimCOOL showed in studies that using a cooling waistbelt and chaps 1 hour the day for 4 weeks the weight, BMI and waist circumference are reduced. This enables people to get rid of cm and kg in a natural way without the side effects of cryolipolysis or invasive methods and operations.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
G.R: The product portfolio of the E.COOLINE brand starts from cooling vests, shirts and T-shirts. Pervormance offers also cooling headgear from basecaps to bandanas, helmet inserts, headbands or neckbands. Also, products to cool arms and legs like wrist- and armcoolers, calf coolers as well as trousers and chaps are part of the portfolio. The home textile sector offers blankets, bed linen and cooling curtains to reduce heat stress during sleep, for recovery and for cool rooms. For dogs they developed dog vests, as well as blankets. Horses can be cooled with cooling gaiters and blankets.
The portfolio of SlimCOOL contains products like waistbelt and chaps as well as trousers for the belly, hips and legs. Further calfs, arms, the neck and the upper body can be optimized.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
G.R: The active cooling textile market is in an early stage. Only a few companies offer professional cooling technologies which addresses the customers need of cooling efficiency, dryness, sustainability and more.
The market for cooling tools to reduce body fat is also in an early stage but shows interesting development potential because of more and more scientific data and studies are published.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
G.R: The market trend is increasing but still on a low level. Climate warming and the discussion about heat stress is boosting the demands. But also, the market of air conditioning systems is running although they are still responsible for 1 Gigaton of CO2, over 8% of the electric energy worldwide and harmful refrigerants. Therefore, sustainable but effective and customer-friendly cooling solutions are needed and will grow because of the demand of climate adaption to save people health and well-being with sustainable technologies.
The cosmetic market of cooling technology to reduce body mass is still high in his niche but scientists as well as doctors and end users are always looking for new technologies in the market.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
G.R: The most innovative product in the market must be highly effective in all hot environments. Furthermore, it must have a dry and good wearing comfort and it has to be easy to handle. Also, the design and marketing & sales concepts are important.
Cooling textiles are more sustainable than air conditioning systems the demand of people using sustainable products are expecting also a sustainable production as well as “green” raw materials. Therefore the E.COOLINE brand is the most innovative product range in this market.
SlimCOOL itself is an innovation in the market of cosmetic tools to improve body`s weight and appearance.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?
G.R: We see a growing market with demands in the B to B but also in the B to C market. Companies see heat as a more and more important subject for their employees and their performance as well as their image in recruitment. Private people also talk about cooling measures for sports, leisure time and their homes. The discussions about climate warming and heat stress are in every news, so the whole market will increase. Air conditioning systems are still important but get into pressure because of sustainability reasons. So, the market of cooling textiles will grow steadily.
SlimCOOL just started but still shows interesting innovation potential for the future.