Tension Control Bolts is a leading UK based manufacturer, distributer & exporter of High Strength Friction Grip Tension Control Bolt assemblies.
Interview with Arnie Glausiusz, Sales Manager at Tension Control Bolts Ltd.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
Arnie Glausiusz: Tension Control Bolts Ltd pioneered the eco-friendly Greenkote® coating system. Greenkote, instantly revolutionised the coating of preloaded threaded fasteners. Anticorrosion is high on the engineers list of priorities and so the TCB Assemblies are deployed in safety critical connections for wind energy, bridges, stadia, high rise and construction infrastructure.
E.E: What’s the news about new products/services?
A.G: TCB Ltd have recently complemented the existing shear wrench range with battery tools and developed an HRD LocNut to be used in conjunction with a preloaded TCB, this is used in rail transportation applications connecting trains and carriages, a safety critical connection mitigating against fatality.
E.E: What are the ranges of products/services?
A.G: Our System HRC structural bolting assemblies are used in a wide range of applications, from bridge splice plates to beam-to-column connections, from stadia roof trusses to rail switches and crossings. The combination of a TCBs superior tensile strength and phenomenal ductility result in a truly universal bolt that can be employed in almost all steelwork connections.

E.E: What is the state of the market where you are currently active?
A.G: Tension Control Bolts Ltd success in exports has been recognised with The Kings Award for Enterprise 2024! The Kings Award for Enterprise 2024 | Tension Control Bolts Ltd.
Driving export growth and SUSTAINING export growth over a 6 year period has been challenging & remarkable in the context of Corona, Brexit, Ukraine etc.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
A.G: Discerning engineers are increasingly focused on quality considerations at TCB HQ we have invested heavily commissioning and staffing a new QA lab, visitors are welcome to witness firsthand pre-load, tensile, carburization and other testing. The TCB brand and the Greenkote TCB is increasingly recognised as the standard bearer for quality within structural bolting.

E.E: What are the most innovative products/services marketed?
A.G: TCB Ltd support many innovate projects, the New Safe Confinemt Chernobyl Chernobyl New Safe Confinement (tcbolts.com) was erected with circa 1,000 Greenkote Tension Control Bolts. In the Wiind Energy sector ‘Modular Steel Towers’ bolted with TCBs are radically increasing the growth of onshore wind capture across the world. Lagerwey Modular Steel Tower.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2024?
A.G: 2024 looks to be a steady year, transitioning away from challenge associated with while geo-political uncertainty affects infrastructure investment the underlying trend is growth and expansion which will be realised in 2025 and beyond