Researchers are obviously keen to see their breakthrough results and efforts in diverse scientific areas brought to a broader audience in industry and the marketplace. This is why the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) will, from 16 to 18 May, be presenting its biotech research findings to an audience of professionals at LABVOLUTION with the life sciences event BIOTECHNICA in Hannover, Germany.

Companies and research institutes will be using the event to highlight the fruits of their research, as exhibitors at the TUB pavilion intent on connecting with potential cooperation partners from around the world. The TUB welcomes participation by research facilities and start-ups. Another reason for the TUB presence at this leading European trade fair for innovative laboratory technology lies in the fact that it is an ideal platform for promoting the numerous courses of study offered by its various institutes and departments.

Single-use bioreactor CELL-tainer

The TUB will be presenting the CELL-tainer, which is one of the outstanding results of bio-processing technology work carried out at the Institute for Biotechnology. The single-use bioreactor CELL-tainer was developed in collaboration with the company Celltainer Biotech. Previously available as 20 l and 200 l models there is now a smaller 2 l model. This wave-mixed reactor is suitable not only for the low shear cultivation of cell lines, but also – due to the comparatively high gas mass transfer rate – for the cultivation of micro-organisms. Until recently this concept could only be effectively applied to the fed-batch cultivation of Escherichia coli with bio dry mass concentrations of up to 60 gL-1 without additional oxygen supply. However, with the current system it is also possible to cultivate filamentous fungi, whereby the formation of structures is determined solely by the growth medium due to the low shear forces. In addition, a variant was developed for the cultivation of phototrophic organisms which by virtue of the high surface to volume ratio ensures good light energy conversion.