Novis was active in the building of biogas plants. Following these activities, the company has developed subsequently devices, to recover CO2 from industrial single point source and to liquify them for further use. Further use is done, by converting CO2 to bioplastic and fuels with specifically designed organisms.
Interview with Dr. Thomas Helle, CEO of Novis GmbH.
What are the main areas of activity of the company?
Thomas Helle: Biogas, Biotechnology and developments of bioplastic. Delivery of machinery for CO2 capture/liquefaction and Photobioreactors for industrial algae production.
What’s the news about new products/services?
T.H: CO2 capturing form industrial sources is an exciting news for all companies, wishing to decarbonize their processes. Especially the low energy consumption of 1 kWh/kg of liquified CO2 is interesting for all companies, being in demand of CO2 for production, such as beverage industry.

What are the ranges of products/services?
T.H: Complete installations for CO2 capture in the medium size can be delivered. The range is from 5 – 200kg of CO2 capturing and liquefaction.
Subsequently Novis has developed low cost Photobioreactors, injecting light directly into the stainless steel vessels. For research use a 60l PBR is well suited. For industrial use the capacities ranges from 1.000 to 10.000 liters.
What is the state of the market where you are currently active?
T.H: CO2 capturing and use is evolving very fast and there is a plethora of develoments in the market. Demand for decarbonization is higher than expected, as almost every industry is looking into the decarbonization. This is a Intereuropean market trend and will lead in the near future to s significant market increase outside EU, eg. In China and the US.
What can you tell us about market trends?
T.H: For companies, serving this market, there are excellent opportunities, to get hybrid capital from the European Innovation Council Fund. EIC has allocated 1.4 billion Euros for deep tech start-ups to reach industrial competitiveness.

What are the most innovative products/services marketed?
T.H: Low cost photobioreactors (patents pending) and the easy to install CO2 capture and liquefaction units for small and medium sized industry.
What estimations do you have for the rest of 2025?
T.H: Despite the general – depression like – public opinion, there is a lot of funding in the market for all kind of tech innovations. However, for companies, looking for higher risk investments and seed capital, we would as well recommend to look into the US venture capital market.